Welcome to Argonodes’s documentation!
This package aims to facilitate the analysis of large data sets from various sources. The main objective is to allow to efficiently augment datasets, and to create models of them, in the form of JSON-LD frames, to then transform the raw data into JSON-LD, with notably the augmentation of information with semantics.
Why the name?
Because JSON explores with Argonodes!
Argonodes (/ˈɑːrɡənəʊdz/) is a Python library to describe data and normlize it.
Technical documentation
Access the index: Index
This project requires Python 3.7+
Clone that repository and cd into it.
Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv ./env
Activate that virtual environment:
source ./env/bin/activate
Install the package:
pip install -e .
Drink water, because it is important to stay hydrated.
import json
filename = "/path/to/json/file.json"
with open(filename, "r") as jsonfile:
json_data = json.loads(jsonfile.read())
from json_ld_semantics.semantics import Tree
tree = Tree(json_data)
from json_ld_semantics.model import Model
model = Model(name="My model", traversal=tree.export_traversal())
# or
model = Model(name="My model").add_files(filename).process_files()
To contribute, fork the project, and open a PR.
First, activate your venv, as explained in Usage.
Install dev requirements:
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
:pre-commit install
You can run
independently:pre-commit run --all-files
.If, for some reason, you need to commit without a check, use
git commit --no-verify [...]
.You can check you code using
python3 -m pylint *.py
We are in need of tests! Write them under the `tests
folder. #### JSON & JSON paths - You can check that the JSON is valid by
using https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/. - You can check that
the JSON paths are correct by using https://jsonpathfinder.com/.
cd docs/
sphinx-apidoc -o source/ ../src/
make html
First, activate your venv, as explained in Usage.
Install examples requirements:
pip install -r requirements/examples.txt
Notes: - If you are changing one of the examples, and
want to keep track of the change:
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged ./examples/name_of_the_file
- Else, please use git update-index --assume-unchanged ./examples/